The indoor temperature at Joarsbo 1:5

Current temperature September 8th, 02:31: 75.0 °F

Sunrise / Sunset: 06:23 -> 19:47

Celsius [Fahrenheit]

Daily Statistics
Day [+] Tmin °F Tmax °F Mean °F σ n
Sunday September 8th 75.0 75.7 75.4 27% 6
Saturday September 7th 73.2 81.7 76.4 248% 48
Friday September 6th 73.2 84.0 77.1 294% 48
Thursday September 5th 73.4 84.0 76.9 297% 48
Wednesday September 4th 72.1 82.0 75.4 298% 48

Weekly Statistics
Week [-] Tmin °F Tmax °F Mean °F σ n
Week 36 (September 2nd) 69.6 84.0 75.1 336% 294
Week 35 (August 26th) 68.0 81.0 72.9 307% 335
Week 34 (August 19th) 67.5 79.5 70.3 222% 333
Week 33 (August 12th) 68.2 80.8 73.4 270% 336
Week 32 (August 5th) 68.5 81.1 72.7 279% 336

Updated every every hour.
[Temperature today graph]
[Temperature this week graph]

Monthly Statistics
Month [+] Tmin °F Tmax °F Mean °F σ n
September 2024 69.6 84.0 74.8 339% 342
August 2024 67.5 81.1 72.4 294% 1484
July 2024 66.9 81.1 71.5 273% 1487

[Temperature this month graph]

Yearly Statistics
Year [+] Tmin °F Tmax °F Mean °F σ n
2024 45.1 84.9 65.5 746% 11972
2023 50.7 83.1 62.6 732% 15860
2022 46.2 89.1 68.1 752% 17280

Currently 101600 temperuture meausurements in the database.


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